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Site Credits

This web site was produced at Cornell University in 2005-2008 in collaboration with Cornell University and the Peasant Community of Vicos. Many persons and institutions have supported this effort. Special thanks to Cornell Information Technologies (CIT), the Andean Program of The Mountain Institute, Urpichallay Association, and all Vicosinos who gave their testimonies and made this initiative possible.

Copyright: Cornell University and Comunidad Campesina de Vicos

Site and Research:

Original Idea and Research:

Assistant Researcher:

Billie Jean Isbell

Florencia Zapata


Site produced by Cornell Information Technolgies (CIT)


Site design:

Multimedia tools:

Clare van den Blink, Project Manager
Mary Jo Watts, Project Manager

Lukasz Lysakowski, Web Designer

Roberta Militello, Multimedia Web Developer



Photographs (2000-2005):

Photographs (1950-1962):

Vicos map:

Vicos charts:

Glaciers images:


Video locations:

Vicosinos's video testimonies:

Translations from Quechua:

Translations from Spanish:

Billie Jean Isbell, Florencia Zapata and Mary Jo Watts

Florencia Zapata, Santiago Reyes, Luis Armas, Glicerio Matías, Luis Loli, Valeriano Mendoza, Jonathan Evaristo, Efraín Saavedra, and Beatriz Rojas.

Property of Cornell University: Division of Rare and Manuscript Collection, Cornell University Library

Pablo Dourojeanni, The Mountain Institute

Urpichallay Association

Provided by Joan Ramage, Lehigh University

Rodrigo Otero, Videographer
Joy Quigley, Video Editor
Michael Allmendinger, Video Editor

Comunidad Campesina de Vicos and offices of the Andean Program of The Mountain Institute and Urpichallay Association, Ancash, Peru.

José Avito Meza Pascual, Pedro Isidro, Santiago Reyes, Manuel Meza Evaristo, Antolina Sánchez Aquino, Julio Evaristo, Fausta Colonia Arnival, Ascencio Meza Sanchez, Eulogio Copitan Coleto, and Juan Tafur Ceferino

Glicerio Matías and Santiago Reyes, Urpichallay Association

Billie Jean Isbell, Freda Wolf, Bernardo Brown and Florencia Zapata


Video Music Credits:

Tito La Rosa
La Profecia del Aguila y el Condor

Biodiversity 1 Video
Espiritu del Viento (Wind Spirit)

Biodiversity 2 Video
Espiritu del Fuego (Earth Spirit)

Holmberg House Video
Danza de Pumas y Lobos (the Dance of the Puma and the Wolf)

Additional Music Credits:


Danza de la Pachamama

Tiempo de paz

Track 10

Thanks to the following Cornell professors and their students for their invaluable feedback: Johanna Schoss, Philip McMichael, Jim Lassoie, John Henderson, Barbara Lynch, and teacher assistant Sienna Craig